The USASP relies on its members to volunteer their time on various committees and working groups to address the policy and operating concerns of the association. A “Call for Volunteers” is our cry for help. The Committee on Committees evaluates the pool of volunteers and recommends to the board the composition of committees and work groups.
Current Committees and Task Forces:
Click on a committee or task force name to see that group's role, responsibilities, and contact information. You may also view all current USASP Committee and Task Force members here.
Previously called the Coalition Building and Advocacy Committee, the charge of the Advocacy Committee is to recommend positions and/or action on issues of importance to the USASP. The committee will scan state and federal initiatives and pending legislation or legal decisions that fall within the mission of USASP and advise the Board of Directors regarding recommendations, positions, and/or actions required. One or both individuals are strongly encouraged to become members and/or attend meetings of the Organizational Partnerships Committee to enhance communication between the committees and support collaboration on projects that align with both committee’s charges when appropriate.
Chair: Diane Hoffmann & co-Chair: Cornelius (Neels) Groenewald
The Awards Committee oversees awards for USASP members that recognize achievements in the field of Pain Science. The committee will develop and recommend awards to the Board of Directors and, once approved, will oversee the review of candidates and make a recommendation to the Board for each award. For the 2023 USASP Meeting, this committee organized the poster presentation awards.
Chairs: Rebecca Seal & Eva Widerstrom-Noga
The Project Collaborations Committee (previously called the Collaborations Committee) evaluates oversee opportunities and invitations for collaboration with other groups, including but not limited to policy statements or briefs, guideline development, deliberations in advocacy efforts, and endorsement of best practice recommendations, guidelines or resources. Its Charter can be viewed (HERE).
Chair: Keela Herr
The Committee on Committees identifies and proposes the names of and terms of all committee chairs and members to the Board of Directors. Recommendations are made to ensure diversity, including race, gender, age, and geographic and professional diversity across committees and within each committee. Its Charter can be viewed (HERE).
Chair: John Farrar
This Committee shall guide USASP initiatives and programs centered on educating the public, educators, health care providers, and government officials about pain research and treatment. This Committee will refine the DRAFT charter (LINK HERE) for future board approval.
Chair: Tyler Bell
This Committee will be established to support and enhance the education and professional development of pain researchers and clinicians at all stages of their careers through education, training, networking, and other activities. The committee also works to increase and enhance diversity and inclusion within USASP, by advancing the needs of all audiences, ensuring accessibility for all pain researchers/clinicians and encouraging a climate that supports their differences. This Committee will work closely with the Scientific Program Committee. Their first charge will be to refine the DRAFT charter (LINK HERE) for future board approval.
Co-Chairs: Jennifer Haythornthwaite & Kate Sadler
The Finance Committee determines annual dues, prepares a budget, and makes recommendations on reserve funds and investments to the Board of Directors. When an audit is scheduled, the committee works with the independent auditor to ensure compliance with accounting rules and regulations.
Chair: Yenisel Cruz-Almeida
The IDEA committee will strive to help build and maintain an inclusive, diverse environment where differences of opinion, beliefs, and values are sought, listened to, respected, and valued. Through IDEA efforts, USASP is dedicated to expanding membership, participation, and leadership that reflect our broad membership. The USASP IDEA committee will be responsible for identifying ways to build and maintain an inclusive organization where differences of opinion, beliefs, and values are sought, listened to, respected, and valued. It will also be responsible for providing resources, consultation, and feedback to USASP committees, volunteers and members in order to support their efforts toward building and maintaining an inclusive, welcoming environment within the organization. Lastly, it will be responsible for assisting in the development and implementation of IDEA events and initiatives at USASP Scientific Meetings to build a more diverse and inclusive meeting.
Chair: Edgar Alfonso Romero-Sandoval & Co-Chair: Alejandro Almarza
The charge of the Organizational Partnerships Committee is to develop a network of partnerships with other professional societies and patient groups interested in working with the USASP to support pain research, management, and education. The committee will evaluate and recommend opportunities for collaboration to the Board of Directors and, once approved, develop a process for executing the collaboration with the identified partners. This committee will appoint/elect a Chair and co-Chair to facilitate projects. One or both individuals are strongly encouraged to become members and/or attend meetings of the Advocacy Committee to enhance communication between the committees and support collaboration on projects that align with both committee’s charges when appropriate.
Chairs: TBD
This task force will make recommendations to the Board of DIrectors as to how to integrate patient/advocate involvement in USASP leadership, committees, educational activities, and membership activities (e.g., Special Interest Groups).
Chairs: Andrea Nackely, Rachel Zoffness, and Daniela Maria Menichella
The primary charge of this committee is to increase USASP membership through the recruitment of new members and retention of existing members. It will be responsible for developing policies and procedures regarding the membership application process. Their first charge will be to refine the DRAFT charter (LINK HERE) for future board approval.
Co-Chairs: Emily Bartley & Ruth Chimenti
The primary charge of this committee is to solicit nominees for USASP board and Officers (President, Treasurer, Secretary). The Committee will generate the wording for the call for nominees to ensure that those running for elected positions represent the disciplines and composition of the membership. The committee will evaluate each nominee for qualifications and then present to the Association membership the names of all qualified candidates for election to the Board and to the Officers of the Association. The first charge of this Committee will be to refine the DRAFT charter (LINK HERE) for future board approval.
Chair: Michael Gold
The primary charge of this Committee is the annual scientific meeting of the USASP, which includes everything ranging from the meeting format to running sessions (if necessary and appropriate). The committee will need to balance the needs of the SIGs, oversee content for Early Career professions, and evaluate satellite sessions. The goal will be to organize a meeting that best meets the needs of the USASP membership. This committee will work closely with the Education Committee, as in the post-COVID19 era, a single event spread over three to five days may no longer be the only way to meet the needs of members. The first charge of this Committee will be to refine the DRAFT charter (LINK HERE) for future board approval.
Chair: Mark Baccei & Co-Chair: Daniela Maria Menichella
This USASP committee was formed in Spring 2023 and began their work by reviewing applications for the 2023 USASP-MAYDAY Clinical/Translational Research Award. Committee members are investigators who are experienced in conducting pain research that involves human subjects and most will have received external funding for this research.
Chair: John Farrar
The Primary charge of this Committee is Sponsorship of the USASP. The first action of this Committee will be to generate a policy for the USASP Board of Directors for approval. The sponsorship policy will be used to guide decisions about accepting external funding sources to the USASP (e.g., from either for-profit or non-profit organizations) and standards for disclosing these funds once accepted. The committee will also recommend to the Board of Directors standards for the acceptance of advertisements proposed by the publisher of The Journal of Pain. Finally, this committee will be charged with pursuing sponsorship for USASP events and activities with the goal of generating funds to be used to further the goals of the Association.
Chair: Patrick Finan
Current Special Interest Groups:
Click on a special interest group name to see that group's role, responsibilities, and contact information. More information about SIG missions and events can be found by clicking the tab “Special Interest Groups” in the main menu at the top of the page.
Description: TBD
Chairs: Aaron Mickle & Lakeisha Lewter
The SIG on Acute (to Chronic) Pain advances and promotes the understanding of mechanisms, assessment, prevention, and management of acute pain, including the transition from acute to chronic pain
Co-Chairs: Mark Bicket & Mollie Meffert
The mission of the Basic Science Pain Research Special Interest Group (SIG) shall be to share and promote scientific knowledge and understanding of pain. The overarching goal is to facilitate basic pain research in all forms, and promote communication between researchers in the basic science field.
Chairs: Rajesh Khanna & Matthew Sapio & Imad Damaj
The Clinical and/or Translational Research SIG was formed to cultivate a collaborative approach for translational preclinical, clinical and population research specialties in pain.
Co-Chairs: Anitha Saravanan & Erin Young
Description: TBD
Chair: TBD
To promote scientific advances in pain clinical trials through high quality research design and development of professional competence to reduce the burden of pain.
Co-Chairs: Emine Ozgur Bayman & and Giovanni Berardi
Description: TBD
Chair: Richard Harris
The Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism (DIA) in Pain SIG is a community of US-ASP members invested in researching, serving and advocating for equity and inclusivity across the pain continuum. The members of the SIG are enthusiastic about being part of a community that cares about topics that are not typically discussed in other spaces. Mission: Our mission is to provide USASP members with the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversation, self-reflection, collaboration, and information dissemination about diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism across the pain continuum and promote affirmative practices that address the needs and challenges faced by marginalized, minoritized, and diverse populations.
Co-Chairs: Calia Morais & Co-Chair Martha Kenney with Troy Dildine as the Social Media Liason
Description: TBD
Chair: Edwin Aroke
The USASP Pain and Aging SIG endeavors to advance pain management across the lifespan by fostering innovative research and education collaborations; and by promoting equitable and evidence-based pain management for older adults from all backgrounds.
Chairs: Sadaf Milani & Corey Simon
The USASP Pain Epidemiology SIG seeks to advance pain science and reduce pain burden through understanding the distribution and determinants of pain, promoting epidemiologic principles and methods in answering questions related to pain assessment, prevention, and clinical care, and creating a vehicle for networking and collaboration for any individuals interested in population and clinical pain outcomes.
Chairs: Ken Taylor & Rui Li
Description: TBD
Chair: Lauren Atlas
The mission of the United States Association for the Study of Pain (USASP) Pain, Movement, & Rehabilitation Science Special Interest Group (SIG) is to reduce the burden of pain through scientific advances in movement and rehabilitation research. Our goal is to unite diverse perspectives of all stakeholders–scientists, clinicians, policymakers, patients, and patient advocates–to stimulate and support the study of pain and movement and to translate that knowledge into improved pain relief and function across multiple populations. As a body, USASP represents individuals nationwide who collaboratively research, diagnose, and treat pain in the United States. Correspondingly, membership in the Pain, Movement, & Rehabilitation Science SIG remains open to USASP community members interested in advancing the understanding of interactions between pain and movement.
Chair: Katie Butera & Co-Chairs: Emma Beisheim-Ryan and Kyle Kosik.
To bring together diverse perspectives on pediatric pain science to directly improve both acute and chronic pain management for children through research, advocacy, and education.
Chair: Amanda Stone & William Black
Description: TBD
Chair: Hailey Bulls & Co-Chair Sam Meints
The mission of the Sex Differences in Pain and Analgesia Special Interest Group (SIG) shall be to share and promote scientific knowledge and understanding of the role of sex and/or gender on pain and pain management. The overarching goal is to facilitate the study of sex and/or gender differences in pain research where appropriate and promote communication between researchers and other stakeholders on this topic.
Co-Chairs: Dayna Loyd Averitt & Joyce T. Da Silva
Seek awareness and understanding of how sleep/circadian disturbance and sleep/circadian disorders affect all aspects of pain processing and regulation, as well as development, maintenance, and exacerbation of chronic pain. Share methodological advances in study design, assessment, and analysis for sleep/circadian rhythm and pain research. Provide a forum for interdisciplinary researchers and clinicians with a common interest in sleep/circadian rhythm and pain to connect with each other, exchange ideas, and discuss advances in our understanding of the role of sleep on pain, and vice versa. Disseminate information regarding sleep/circadian rhythm and pain research to the rest of the USASP members and others. Create opportunities for trainees and early career investigators to improve their scientific communications and to network with leaders in the field of sleep/circadian rhythm and pain research.
Chair: Daniel Whibley & Co-Chair Chasity Brimeyer
The goal of the Substance use and Addiction SIG is to advance the understanding and treatment of substance use and pain. This will be accomplished by: 1) promoting and advancing research, 2) partnering with advocacy organizations to improve patient care, 3) providing education to researchers, clinicians, trainees, and patients, and 4) providing a forum for collaboration.
Co-Chairs: Jennifer Nyland & Antionette Spector
Legacy Committees:
Click on a former committee name to see that group's members.