Pain Neuroimaging


Lauren Atlas, PhD
  National Institutes of Health



Katie Martucci, PhD
 Duke University



Recent Event

Our next USASP Pain Neuroimaging Special Interest Group (SIG) Webinar will be September 12th at 1 PM Eastern Time. The webinar will focus on methods of functional connectivity and network neuroscience

Join us to hear from Dr. Vince Calhoun (Georgia Tech, Georgia State, Emory) and Dr. Andrew Michael (Duke University). 

Dr. Vince Calhoun will cover the basics though advanced techniques for using functional connectivity and network neuroscience methods to analyze neuroimaging data, and Dr. Andrew Michael will provide a recently published example of applying these methods to pain research.

1-1:25PM EST: An Introduction to Data-driven Functional (Network) Connectivity

Vince Calhoun, PhD, Distinguished University Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology 

Director of Tri-institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS) at Georgia State, Georgia Tech, Emory

1:25-1:40PM: Enhanced Motor Network Engagement during Reward Gain Anticipation in Fibromyalgia

Andrew Michael PhD, Director of Imaging Analytics and Informatics, Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, Duke University

Paper Details:

Enhanced motor network engagement during reward gain anticipation in fibromyalgia. 
Park SH, Michael AM, Baker AK, Lei C, Martucci KT. Cortex. 2024 Apr;173:161-174. 
PMID: 38417389; PMCID: PMC10963137. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2023.12.017. 

1:40-2PM Open discussion and Q&A with Drs. Calhoun and Michael

Click here to access the recording


We hope you’re having a wonderful fall and are preparing those USASP abstracts for the December 1 abstract deadline! This year we hope to have not only a data blitz but a mixer after the event, which should be great. I also have a few exciting updates to share between now and the conference!

First, CONGRATULATIONS to Dr. Katherine Martucci, our new USASP Neuroimaging SIG co-chair!Thank you to the other nominees, to everyone who voted, and a HUGE thank you to Dr. Vitaly Napadow, our outgoing co-Chair.  The upcoming year will be co-organized by myself and Dr. Martucci, and then we will have another vote for someone to replace me. 

Second, Katie and I have been discussing the upcoming year’s agenda, and we are looking forward to having more webinars on fMRI methods, both advanced and introductory. We are hoping to have bimonthly SIG events, including the USASP meeting. The topics we plan to start with are the following:

  • Resting state fMRI
  • Functional connectivity, network neuroscience, graph theory
  • Devices
  • High field MRI


Our first webinar this January will be on RESTING STATE FMRI. We will have one methods expert give a 25 minute overview of the “state of the art” with respect to rsfMRI, followed by two talks about its application in pain research. We are looking for early career investigators (PhD students, postdocs, and early stage faculty) who have projects focusing on resting state who would like to present their work during this session. If you are interested in presenting your published or in prep work using rsFMRI, please write Katie and me with a brief description of your work.  

We are always open to suggestions and feedback for the SIG, and we do intend to include upcoming webinars on fNIRS, MEG, and EEG. Please get in touch with me or Katie if you have additional suggestions.

Thank you all, and welcome Dr. Martucci!!!

Best wishes,

Lauren Atlas, PhD


If you would like to join this SIG please use the following linkSIG Petition and Support/Sign-Up Form


Past SIG meeting - January 30th at 4pm ET (speaker bios)

      Members can watch a recording of this meeting here: Video Pain Neuroimaging SIG Meeting 013023