United States Association for the Study of Pain
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HEAL Connections Sharing Session: Communicating for Impact: Getting your Research in the Media
Thursday, March 28, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Category: NIH

HEAL Connections Sharing Session: Communicating for Impact: Getting your Research in the Media

Mar 28, 2024 01:00 PM ET
Translating research results into policy and practice is crucial to improving the lives of those who can benefit from that research. Studies show it may take as many as 17 years for research to go from publication in a scientific journal to practice in a way that improves lives. Given that lag, how can research teams and research partners better ensure they translate their data and research results in ways that are accessible to policymakers, community members, health care workers and administrators, and other decision-makers? One way to get your research out to wider audiences is through the media. In this session, you’ll hear a researcher’s perspective on when and how media exposure can support research dissemination. You’ll also hear from a public health journalist about what makes for a good story in today’s media landscape, considerations for different mediums, and how to make your story come alive. A university health system media specialist will share tips for pitching your findings to reporters and responding to media interest in your work. The session will include a sixty-minute panel followed by Office Hours, an optional thirty-minute interactive component. During Office Hours, journalist Rose Hoban will be available to provide feedback to researchers who want to try out media pitches. If you recently published findings or are working on a project that might be of interest to a broad audience, come prepared to test run your media pitch.