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HEAL deadline: Human Pain-associated Genes & Cells Data Coordination and Integration Center
Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 8:00 AM EDT
Category: NIH

Human Pain-associated Genes & Cells Data Coordination and Integration Center (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)RFA-NS-22-021

The Data Coordination and Integration Center will curate, harmonize, and integrate comprehensive -omics and cellular function datasets generated by companion U19 Centers for Discovery and Functional Evaluation of Human Pain-associated Genes & Cells and will lead efforts to establish spatial and semantic standards for managing heterogeneous human pain-associated data types and information, collect and register multimodal human pain-associated data to common neural tissue coordinate systems, and establish a web-accessible information system that can be widely used throughout the research community

Upcoming Receipt Date: October 11, 2022

Program Contact: Julia L. Bachman, PhD

Email[email protected]