Pain epidemiology Special Interest Group


Kenneth A. Taylor, PT, DPT, PhD

Duke Clinical Research Institute

Rui Li, PhD

Seattle Children’s Research Institute  

Mission statement: The USASP Pain Epidemiology SIG seeks to advance pain science and reduce pain burden through understanding the distribution and determinants of pain, promoting epidemiologic principles and methods in answering questions related to pain assessment, prevention, and clinical care, and creating a vehicle for networking and collaboration for any individuals interested in population and clinical pain outcomes.


Upcoming Meetings

We're excited to invite you to our upcoming career chat with Dr. Kushang Patel on October 11 between 1-2 pm ET (10-11 PT). 

Kushang Patel, PhD, MPH is a Research Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine and Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine at the University of Washington. In addition, he serves as the Associate Director of the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center. His research investigates the implementation and effectiveness of interventions that aim to improve pain management and reduce risk of fall-related injury, as well as the epidemiology of pain, aging, and injury. His research projects are supported by grants from the CDC and NIH, and he currently serves on the editorial boards of PAIN, Journal of Pain, Journal of Pain Research, and Journal of Aging and Health.

Dr. Patel will share with us his career story as a pain epidemiologist doing clinical pain research. There will be ample time to ask questions. We look forward to your participation!

Members of this SIG will have received the meeting information in an email.

If you would like to join this SIG please use the following linkSIG Petition and Support/Sign-Up Form